Engineering department of Vista Faraz Co. has presented a landmark operation in the domain of construction projects by implementing an integrated management in design, supervision, execution and using novel approaches.Creative innovations and attendance at international arenas, were the key approaches of vista faraz for making this high quality.
Integrated project management in industries is a crucial approach to ensuring the success of projects. Using automation and innovative tools, along with implementing BIM, can improve efficiency and reduce errors in projects. VISTAFARAZ, by utilizing these approaches and international standards, has been able to execute high-quality and efficient projects and gain recognition in international arenas.
At Vista Faraz, we are committed to delivering excellence in every project we undertake. Our comprehensive supervision strategy, involving on-site teams and central office support, ensures that every aspect of the project is meticulously managed and controlled. This approach not only enhances the quality and efficiency of our projects but also ensures that they are completed on time and within budget.
Our BIM-based services encompass a wide range of solutions. VISTA FARAZ, considering local priorities and available technological capabilities, has defined various solutions in this field that can be expanded, developed, and customized based on the limitations of each project.
Vista Faraz Company, considering PMBOK standards in project management, has focused on modeling and mechanizing project management processes in the context of process automation and business intelligence. These innovations not only help improve the quality and accuracy of project execution but also increase efficiency and reduce costs.